Thursday, May 13, 2010

C-Section Tomorrow

Today is the due date for our son, Langston, to be born. After going to the 40 week checkup this morning, we found out that Langston has somehow flipped himself around this past week. I had noticed him being EXTREMELY hyperactive this week...didn't realize what was actually happening. All the pelvic pain was due to his feet! The sonogram took a while today. Langston had his legs straight out and wasn't moving them much at all. They pushed and pushed and tousled him around. He finally moved them a little bit. This made Michael and I very nervous. Babies don't just chill with their legs straight out...I am still worried that something is wrong. All I can do at this point is pray and know that God has a plan, and there is no sense in me worrying. Because Langston is breech, the doctor wanted to schedule the C-section today or tomorrow. I haven't been preparing myself for this possibility and it hit me hard quite honestly. We planned it for tomorrow morning so our family would have time to be here. I have to get to the hospital at 5:30am. They will begin around 7 or 7:30.

I have only had one other surgery in my life...sinus surgery. It took 4 people to start an IV. Today I have to go get my blood taken. I usually come close to passing out every time. I almost passed out during the sonogram this morning (it was hot...and scary). I am going to get an epidural...oh dear... I am the biggest baby and have NO IDEA how I will make it through. PLEASE PLEASE pray that I don't have a panic attack!

I can't wait to see Langston's sweet face. I told Michael earlier...that he may not see me smile much until I do. I have way too much anxiety and worry for him to have time to smile. But as soon as I know he is okay... and that I have survived...then it will be a beautiful moment! I can't wait!

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